Looking through the taxi window, at some point it seemed like it was sort of out-of-body experience... as if I was looking at myself staring at people in an aquarium,(as opposed to the Ulziitugs novel), them going on with their life.
Young, older couples walking hand in hand (no doubt that the ficklest of them all, in many senses for many sentient, the spring is here), no rush, mostly smiles on their faces.
Girlfriends walking, talking, laughing, in a sense care-free. At some point could not help thinking I did not have too many of such moments as a student in Mongolia, cause of not too much time in library but cause I was busy with both busy with different work: both paid and unpaid, which in turn taught me a lot, helped me get to know myself, challenge myself.
Conductors for the microbuses screaming at the top of their lungs that even I could hear regardless of my iPod. They must be struggling to get more clients till its their time to take off. They must be happy in the knowledge that they will be bringing bread to the table if not today then later. If I were in their shoes, I probably would have been(remembers of the happy couple in The Gift of the Magi http://www.auburn.edu/~vestmon/Gift_of_the_Magi.html).
Stray dogs wondering the streets. Personally I am happy in the knowledge that they won't die cause of coldness as it is much warmer (+19 degrees today!) and that they also hope that at least today they won't be killed neither by any cruel Koreans/Chinese for gourmet meal nor by people as means of "cleaning/making safer the city".
"Big guys" in and out of their big/medium(very much unlike the small[? is that the word] taxi I am :p) some even state-of-the-art cars/fancy restaurants, talking/doing/being down to business in every meaning of the word.
Still working, doing whatever is it that they do.
DARE to live?
dare to LIVE?
dare, too, live too?
Then I ask myself. What have I done, accomplished today?! Got up, showered, then work ... routine. BUT, I managed to see my granny during lunchtime, then talk to couple of friends of mind and had few moments for myself to (which is oftentimes kind of hard to do with all the people around).
So would I have wanted to be in the other people's places?!
No, not really. I am satisfied being myself, telling myself over and over again that I have to dare to live (not just exist in some sort of robot like routine, or ëven worse "rat race") and that it can be accomplished only by convincing myself "Two (major) thoughts cannot occupy mind at the same time".
I am going to aim high, but shoot low(first) and remember to "stop and smell the flowers sometimes" and by remembering the fundamentals (love and care for my loved ones & be strong yet be more understanding and forgiving [my resolution for 2009]) and enjoy the simple beauties of life (like there three berries)
(a bowlful of these were served as dessert after an original and exotic lunch by a good (Japanese) friend of mine, whom I dearly miss now, when I went to visit her. Three of these dark red(?) frozen berries put on the black ricebowl-lid turned upside down looked so simple yet so classically beautiful that I could not help grabbing my camera and taking picture. Masterpiece in itself. Oh, beautiful life ...)
Yep.How beautiful and how empty life
empty while full, beautiful while cruel, dull while colorful...
It's how we see life and how we choose to live that matters...
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