Me being me, could not help but SMS some of my friends with the "great news", thought of taking my dog for a walk (which usually my lil' brother does)just to her the shrieking sound of my feet on the snow, knowing that climbing up to Zaisan, for instance, for better view and fuller experience would not only be sort of complicated plus cold, hehe. When heading home asked the drivers if I can keep the window open to see the snowflakes falling and was looked at weirdly by the driver and the lady in the passenger seat. When the car has stopped before a big traffic light, one of the few guys who seemed to be in their 20s, thought I was laughing at them when in fact I was smiling, happy with the snow, the signal of winter soon coming, and praying the winter to have that much if not more snow in a way that many people in the countryside would not suffer. Oh well, I might have had the goofy smile on my face and when one of the guys came closer to the car "What the heck are you staring at, you ..." I didn't even bulge.
If it was not for the snow and the mood, first of all, unless the taxi smelled bad and/or stank with cigarette, I would not even open the window. Even further, I would be so scared if I heard the same thing from similar people that I would close the window immediately and move further to the left side of the car. But yesterday I did not.
Why, just cause I was living the moment, enjoying the snow to the fullest. Snow, so white and so clean, simple yet so beautiful, expected yet also "celebrated" at least by people like me. As I was SMS-ing a friend, all it takes to enjoy it, is to notice, acknowledge and rejoice. Whereas, so many of us often forget that "Best things is life are for free" and work so hard to be able to take pleasure in material, artificial things in/or life/world.
Blessed to have been born in place with snow.
Today, walked for about 20 minutes. Although there was not much snow to leave my prints and listen to the sound of, was kind of chilly even with turtleneck and leather jacket, nevertheless the walking was enjoyed. Right after sunset, the sky looked like a work of art, getting brighter and redder as it approached its horizon, till then random mix of colors, shade and shapes ...
The interesting thing is, may be not exactly the same, but the sky (being part of the generous nature and unlike us human beings doesn't stupidly try slow and/or stop some natural process) must be interesting (to put it neutrally), the only thing is we're usually too caught up in our life "the other, usually "important" things",
too busy to notice and working hard ... thinking when I have worked hard enough earned much enough will get out of here/town/Mongolia even to enjoy beautiful nature etc.,
Back to my walking, for a moment there I thought I should've brought my camera. Then again, when I didn't even bother to go to the balcony and try and take some picture of the snow, why bother now. And realized, it is not about leaving some evidence, and now that I come to think of it, the best moments, cherished memories does not always leave tangible evidence/material traces like pictures taken of, let alone video-taped. It's just in the nature of these things that you have a clear mental picture of them to go back to whenever you want to. Just like Viktor Frankl did go back to images of his wife, when tortured, humiliated beyond imagination at the Nazi concentration camp ...
A fine week-end it has been. Obviously next week will be busier

миний таньдаг нэг охинтой өөрөө их адилхан юм. :-)
he he yamar ohiniig tegj helj baigaa bol oo (getting curious)
That day was awesome... I too was enjoying while I was walking to the 4th branch school of MUIS to cherish my classmates in Basketball match. Seeing snow fall and striving to catch a glimpse at every snow in front of me was like a haven itself. They were dancing, singing, even whispering as if they were trying to catch my attention, even slightest glimpse was enough for them until they fell to the ground, like falling from grace.
I haven't seen such a beautiful scene, a combination of Winter snow and Autumn yellow leaves trying to hold little more to their branches, for years... Maybe it is because I never paid any attention to those little things which are wonderful, let alone free of charge. Life could be more wonderful yet beautiful If we have simplicity...
Comment бичих гэж байгаад нэг post болгочихлоо, хэхэ :P
Specter, thanks for the excellent comment, which is like post in itself, hehe. Wonder if you've posted this on your blog, too.
>Life could be more wonderful yet beautiful If we have simplicity... + (like I tried to say/make a reminder to myself again:) AND remember, notice and appreciate
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